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Roi Fernández (A Coruña, 1979) discurre en las formas transmedia de narración audiovisual, escénica, gráfica y de acción desde 2001. Licenciado en Bellas Artes, posee en máster en Dirección Cinematográfica por la City College of New York con una beca Barrie de la Maza, y otro de Sistemas Interactivos por la MECAD/ESDI de Barcelona, e interpretación en ESAD (Escola Superior de Arte dramática de Galicia) y como artista becado en la KHM de Colonia (Alemania).

Exponente de la videocreación y arte de acción en Galicia, del cine, la performance, Live Cinema, motion graphics, videomapping, animación y formas polipoéticas.

Como director audiovisual y creador multimedia dirige piezas multipremiadas como el cortometraje “Cualquier Infinito Posible” ()protagonizado por Celso Bugallo, y premiada en el festival de cans (GZ), CityVisions (NY) y Tessalonika (Grecia); el documental transcénico "BALOR", o el proyecto de video inmersivo "ZUGUNRUHE".

Ha sido alumno tutorizado de prestigiosos artistas como Chantal Akerman (CCNY), y colaborado con artistas internacionales como Huan Zhang o Alberto García-Alix. También ha colaborado como dibujante con agencias de publicidad, como la prestigiosa Berlín Cameron de New York.

En el arte de acción ha presentado performances en el CGAC (Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea), Festival Chámalle X, Fundación Luis Seoane, Fundación Granell, o Museo MARCO de Vigo, entre otros.

Es el responsable de creación multimedia y audiovisual para su compañía escénica ArtesaCía, creando videomappings y contenidos de video interactico 360º

Además crea escenografías multimedia y videocreación para Centro Dramático Galego, Teatro Meridional, Premios da Cultura Galega (Xunta de Galicia), etc.

En el 2003 co-funda el colectivo artístico, del que fue presidente e impulsor del proyecto Alg-a Lab (centro de creación y residencia artística); en el 2013 funda y codirige Extramuros (, un espacio de colisiones artísticas multidisciplinares. Es la sede de ArtesaCía y el estudio multimedia SrPause Cinescapismo.

Su obra ha sido presentada y premiada en España, Alemania (KHM) , UK (Kingston Gallery), Italia, China (Expo Mundial 2010), EEUU, Colombia (Festival Iberoamericano Sistemas interactivos de Manizales), Argentina...

Roi Fernández (A Coruña, 1979) has been working in transmedia narratives in the fields of audiovisuals, stage, visual art and performance art since 2001. He holds a degree in Fine Arts and a Master's degree in Film Direction from the City College of New York with a Barrie de la Maza Scholarship, and Master's degree of Interactive Systems by the MECAD / ESDI of Barcelona, and Performance Studies at ESAD (School of Dramatic Art of Galicia) and he's got an artist scholarship at the KHM in Cologne (Germany) under the direction of Siegfried Zielinski.

Exponent of expanded illustration, videocreation and performance art in Galicia, cinema, Live Cinema, motion graphics, videomapping, animation and polypoetic forms.

As an audiovisual director and multimedia creator, he is currrently in the postproduction stage of his first feature film, "Ursúas". He's also directed awarded pieces such as the short film "Any kind of Infinite" starring Celso Bugallo, and awarded at the Cans Festival (GZ), CityVisions (NY) and Tessalonika (Greece); The transmedia documentary "BALOR", or the immersive video project "ZUGUNRUHE".

He has been tutorized student of prestigious artists like filmmaker Chantal Akerman and Antonio Tibaldi (CCNY), and collaborated with international artists like Huan Zhang or photographer Alberto García-Alix. He has also collaborated as a illustrator with advertising agencies, such as the prestigious Berlin Cameron of New York.

In the field od Performing Arts he has presented performances in the CGAC (Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea), Festival Chámalle X, Luis Seoane Foundation, Granell Foundation, or MARCO Museum in Vigo, among others. He also has written and directed several stage productions such as "Census, the Enumerator's dream! (Edinburgh Off Fringe Festival, MIT Ribadavia), "Roster ball`s grapes" (Colombia, Puerto Rico, NY), "Balor" (1st artistic residence at Teatro Colon, A Coruña), or "Zugunruhe" (Luis Seoane Museum, Teatro Rosalía de Castro), etc.

He is responsible for multimedia and audiovisual creation for his stage company ArtesaCía, creating videomappings and contents of interactive video 360º.

In addition, he creates multimedia stage designs and videocreation for Centro Dramático Galego, Teatro Meridional, Galician Culture Awards (for Galicia`s goverment), or award-winning directors such as Emmy nominee Brian Thomas, etc.

In 2003 he co-founded the artistic collective, of which he was president and promoter of the Alg-a Lab project (creation and artistic residence center); In 2013 he founded and co-directed Extramuros (, a space of multidisciplinary artistic collisions. It is the headquarters of ArtesaCía and the multimedia studio SrPause Cinescapism.

His work has been presented and awarded in Spain, Germany (KHM), UK (Kingston Gallery), Italy, China (World Expo 2010), USA, Colombia (Latin American Festival Interactive Systems of Manizales), Argentina ...

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